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XC Log - Day 17 - Klamabama D7: "An Irish Goodbye"

Yesterday we said “Adios Bart” to Klamabama...not for good, just for now.

The hospitality and generosity of those who made time to visit with us was enough to make anyone well up. A sincere thank you to everyone, from the bottom of these four Musketeers’ dusty hearts.

We took the back door exit from Klamath, shooting down 97 and I swear, just outside of Midland, a single white pelican flew parallel to our car for a few miles, then took a sharp left and u-turned it back to the Basin.

A ridiculously poetic and a most significant send-off, especially for those of us who spent our formative years as Mighty Pelicans.

We carried on to Shasta Lake and met up with Yogi and Mark and Audra Feeback and will hang with them on their houseboat for the next few days. It’s almost like a vacation from our vacation.

It was 103 degrees on the shore when we arrived and once we motored to the perfect inlet to lay anchor, we all hopped in the 86 degree water to cool off. The temperature dropped significantly with the sunset and we all slept on the top of the boat under the stars.

I spent many-a-summer weekend on this lake with these folks: it’s so nice to be back!

Bring on the lake!


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