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XC Log - Day 13 - Klamabama D3: "I like my photos colorful..."

Crater Lake...Oregon’s sapphire.

I have been to Crater Lake at least two dozen times and it never disappoints.

It’s not just the interesting rock formations, the unimaginable color of the water, the fact that you’re standing inside a’s also counting how many different languages you hear on the trail; people from all over the planet falling over themselves being polite to, and taking photos for, each other.

Folks simply seem nicer when they’re visiting Crater Lake. (This time, the large group of Mennonites were my favorite.)

We drove through Fort Klamath and began the elevation climb at the park’s South Entrance. With stops to see Annie Falls and the pinnacles, we snaked our way up to Rim Village and parked the car.

I love seeing the reactions of first-timers. The dramatic viewpoint that includes Wizard Island, the Phantom Ship, as well all the stunning cliffs, spires, and ledges around the rim, not to mention Mt. Thielsen in the’s a lot to take in.

They were blown away and wanted to know every single detail about the lake: how did it form, how deep is it, how is it so blue...HOW IS IT SO BLUE?!

We slowly took it all in, enjoying the Sinnott Memorial Observation Station and eventually driving around the rim to Cleetwood Cove to hike down to the water.

I’ve done this once before and may, or may not, have been slightly off in my estimation of the true length of the switchback dirt trail. Somehow, I recalled it was about ¼ mile down. I was wrong.

It’s a 2.2 mile round trip trek.

In my defense, the fastest way down is, indeed, just about ¼ mile...and it comes with a helicopter ride!

We pressed on and everyone agreed it was worth it as we lounged on the rocks and determined the

Crater Lake water temperature is far warmer than Spring a degree or two...

The day was capped off with our first trip to The Taphouse which, as suspected, was just like a visit to Crater Lake, in that it did not, and is unlikely to ever, disappoint.


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