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DAYS 22-30 - THE TRAVERSERS - "We abide by the frog and worm theory."

It’s been hot this last week.  East Coast humid-hot.  Stupid hot.


I swear, the heat was so oppressive one day, the birds didn’t even fly.


Or, as Nancy’s big sis, Sue, pointed out, “It’s too hot to knit.”


Sing it, sister.


One day, it hit 95 degrees and even the lake water was boiling so we hit up the Mosquito Ice Cream Shop in Raymond. 


Steven went with an Orange Creamsicle sorbet that tasted like memory lane, I chose a scoop of strawberry under a scoop of Almond Joy ice cream, David’s one and only choice was the dairy-free vanilla ice cream that was at least, you know...cold...and Nancy ordered a hot fudge sundae.


I’ve always maintained that you can judge a person upon which movie they know Tim Curry, but perhaps we have on our hands, a new way to unjustly scrutinize a fellow human being.


What does your ice cream order say about you?


So yeah, it’s hot, but it’s summer and it’s supposed to be hot and we’ve been enjoying every sweaty minute.

And we’ve been spoilt to the core, not only by location, but also, and perhaps more so, by a culinary cosmos that’s been nothing short of spectacular.


Lobster and piss clams with homemade coleslaw, pork tenderloin and grilled eggplant, linguine and clams with tomato salad, spinach-artichoke dip from scratch, scotch-mustard glazed salmon on the grill, roasted chicken with smashed garlic red potatoes...and on, and on.

First-rate dining.  Eat your heart out New York Times Cooking.


It has been decided, however, that our feast of Maine will, in fact, come to an least for this summer.


Tomorrow, we are...indirectly...West Coast bound.


The plan is to drive north, into Canada where the weather (and a lot of other things) are more favorable.


We’ll take our time on the journey back to the Land of the Lotus Eaters, spending a couple of days in Quebec City, then on to Montreal, then Niagara Falls. 


Sticking to Canada, we’ll drive around the Great Lakes, out to the prairies where the dinosaurs roam, and hopefully up into Banff and Jasper before descending into the states again.


It’s shaping up to be another great adventure!


Besides the Gopher Hole Museum, does anyone have any must-see marvels in the second largest country in the world?


Oh, and one more thing...after dropping off laundry in town, Steven drove over the entire center island in the main intersection. As the town of Gray as my witness...the entire. center. island.  LOL


Chalk up another curb check for the Buffalo Whistler: 2-0-0-0


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