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DAY 07 - THE GB LOOP LOG - "Skink city baby, home of the skink!"

Our final city-dwelling day before we retreat to the Scottish boondocks.

We walked over to Princes Street, past the impressive Scott Memorial and took a stroll through the Old Calton Burial Ground before heading up Calton Hill.

This is the spot for a 360 panoramic view of Edinburgh: the castle to one end and Holyrood Park to the other were well worth the momentary huffing and puffing.

An attempt was made to explore the other end of Princes Street, but it all felt like too much like the Burbank Mall, so we went back to Old Town to find hidden staircases, old bookstores, and any pub over 300 years old.

David and I bought sweaters that, looking at photos now, make us look like wooly snowmen...blending...

We returned to the Mitre for old times’ sake and found our favorite IPA in another gem called The Last Drop, which had a great atmosphere to go with its wonderfully morbid name...even the light fixtures had nooses around them.

All in all, it was a nice and quiet day. We’re back on the road tomorrow!

Slàinte Mhath! Or as Steven likes to say...”Salonpas!”


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