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Well, well, well, look who’s’s your favorite traveling foursome: Steven, David, Nancy, and Samalamadingdong!

Nearly two months to the day since our US cross-country journey came to an end and we’re heading back out into the unknown together...

Destination: Great Britain.

You can all thank us for personally for ending the Writer’s Strike of 2023 by booking non-refundable international airfare... Though, we are delighted to take one for the team.

Our travels will take us in one big counterclockwise loop beginning in London, then north into the Scottish Highlands, and back down through Wales.

A great deal of research has been done and this promises to be an immersive adventure as we roam back roads, national parks, cities, villages, islands, and lochs...and explore any other interesting suggestion we may happen upon.

Special thanks for providing essential insight into our planning must be given to Rick Steves, 'Outlander', the original three seasons of 'Ducktales', and those “Visit the United Kingdom” pages where other stupid people ask stupid questions so I don’t have to.

We are each bringing a backpack and a carry on; no checked luggage because we don’t need to begin this journey with tears.

We’ve got rain jackets and layers, international phone plans and power adapters.

Nancy has been confidently packed since mid-September. I need another day or two to agonize and will probably pack Tuesday morning.

There will be whisky. There will be haggis. There will be offensive attempts at accents. There will be butchered pronunciation with and without said accents. We will be driving this big loop, so that alone will be an...experience...

I’d absolutely love to see the Northern Lights.

I can’t wait to reveal my spite-shirt.

I hope someone leaves his pink shorts at home...

And I look forward to sharing another adventure with all of you...shall we?


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